Student Paper Contest
The purpose of the Student Paper Contest is to reward students for exceptional work and consider group projects as well as individual projects. The RWW Student Paper Contest provides students with the opportunity to share their work and discuss their results with experts from industry and academia. It is open to all students attending the RWW and presenting a paper at one of the topical conferences (RWS, PAWR, WiSNet, SiRF, and SHaRC). Starting from 2017 the Steering Committee established a new format of the Student Paper Contest, which is now a single event for the whole RWW.
The following rules apply for participating at the Student Paper Contest:
- First author must be a student (a full time or a part time). A letter is required from major advisor (Professor) stating that the first author is a registered full-time student or part-time student and has done a substantial portion of the work. Failure to provide this letter will result in disqualification.
- Number of authors on the paper: No limit, including outside authors. Outside authors are defined as co-authors from industry or from other institutions (government labs, other universities, etc.). The outside authors are included to encourage group-project submissions. The review committee will consider the number of authors vs. the level of work presented in the paper in order not to penalize the individual project submissions.
- All students wishing to participate in the contest are required to follow the regular Symposium submission process for papers including registration. Please check the checkbox during the submission process for being considered in the contest.
Student Paper Contest submissions are first evaluated by the Technical Program Committee (TPC), along with all other manuscript submissions, and receive no special consideration when being considered for acceptance to the symposium. Those papers that are accepted for oral presentation, identified as Student Paper submissions, and that meet the criteria (Relevance, Novelty, Quality, and Content) become eligible for the Student Paper Contest. The TPC and the Student Paper Contest Chairs will separately evaluate these papers again to select Student Paper Finalists.
Student Paper Finalists will receive email notification by mid of November and receive special recognition in the RWW Program Guide and as well on the webpage.
Each Student Paper Finalist is required to prepare a short elevator pitch and a poster. For the elevator pitches finalists will be in the role of the entrepreneur and present their idea to potential investors (the judges). There will only be a flip chart for supporting the presentation. Maximum two persons per paper can bring whatever they can carry for a presentation of four minutes. Judges from all topical conferences will select the first and second place winners among the Student Paper Finalists based on the quality of the final paper, the poster presentation, and the oral presentation.
Both the elevator pitches and poster session will take place Monday. The winners will be announced at the Plenary Session on Tuesday.
Please check the final program book, as these times might change without further notification.
Like last year, the first-place winner is invited to write a paper for the IEEE MTT-S Microwave Magazine.
If you have any questions, please contact the Student Paper Contest Chairs.