IEEE Radio & Wireless Week

18 - 21 January 2026
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Workshop Proposals should focus on a timely topic of high interest to the MTT-S community and encompass a coherent theme that is presented by selected experts in the field. Workshops should be structured and moderated by the organizer so that the audience is actively engaged and, where appropriate, include tutorial or review material to assist the attendees without current knowledge of the subject.

In addition to the topics of the co-located conferences:

  1. RF/Microwave Power Amplifiers
  2. Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems
  3. Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks
  4. Space Hardware and Radio Conference
  5. Technology for CubeSats and COTS for Space
  6. RF and Microwave Measurement Techniques and Test Beds

We will be able to accommodate up to two full day workshops and we want several half-day workshops. All workshops are required to have time for questions for each speaker plus a panel style question answering session at the conclusion of all of the individual talks in your workshop. It is important to remember that although a commercial product can be shown in a slide to illustrate a technical point, the workshop talks must not be used to promote a company or its products.

For questions about the Workshops, and to SUBMIT your proposal, please write to:

Workshops Chairs:

Jan Budroweit <>

Pushkar Kulkarni <>