IEEE Radio & Wireless Week

19 - 22 January 2025
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Date & Time: Tuesday, 23 January 2024, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Organizer: Jan Budroweit, German Aerospace Center
Room: Texas B

As part of the Radio Wireless Week and its co-located conference “Space Hardware and Radio Conference” (SHaRC), we invite you to the 3rd MTT-S Space Night! The Space Night topic for 2024 is “Ground Stations and Advanced Technologies for Satellite Communications” and we will host a interactive panel discussion with experts from agency, academia and industry. They will provide us insights on recent developments for ground station technologies and satellite communication services, while attendees can interactively contribute to this panel session by asking questions, comment and participating to surveys using their smart phones (no applications required). All registered attendees are also welcome to join the Space Quiz which we will host for the time. Experience an interesting event with us in an entertaining atmosphere, enjoy the interactive panel discussions with experts with light snacks and drinks and don’t miss the chance to win great prizes in our space night quiz!

Moderators: Marie Piasecki, NASA Glenn Research Center & Jan Budroweit, DLR

Václav Valenta, ESA
Allen Katz, College of New Jersey, MACOM Fellow
Benjamin Schoch, University Stuttgart
Eyal Trachtman, Addvalue Technologies