IEEE Radio & Wireless Week

19 - 22 January 2025
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Authors’ Summary Submission Guide

This is the author’s guide for paper summary submission for all of RWW conferences. Please check with each conference call for papers and author guide for additional requirements. The link to the submission site is at the end of this Guide below.

Thank you for choosing RWW2025 to publish your work.

The deadline for Summary submission is extended to:

2 August 2024

The total length of your paper summary must not exceed four pages (see Statement of Compliance). The maximum pdf file size is 4.0 Mb; larger files will be arbitrarily reduced.

Manuscript Format (RWW follows the official IEEE Conference Manuscript Templates)

  • Use U.S. Letter (8.5″x11″) format and please stay within the following margins: top: 0.75″, bottom: 1.125″, sides: 0.75″ .
  • Use two columns per page for your text (with 0.25″ gutter between columns).
  • Capitalize only initial letters in title and author information.
  • Center title across the page in boldface type; skip one line between title and authors.
  • Center all author name(s) below title; if required, reference affiliations with superscripts 1,2, ..
  • Center all affiliation name(s) below all author name(s).
  • Include phone and email for the corresponding author.
  • Skip one line before Abstract and start your Abstract in the first column, use boldface type.
  • Index terms should be listed next; keywords can be found at the IEEE keyword list .
  • Use single space for the body text with standard fonts (e.g. Times New Roman) and font size of at least 10 point.
  • Embed all figures and captions within the text.
  • Ensure legibility; simplify all figures and tables and maintain uniformity of style throughout.

In order to complete your submission to RWW2025, you will be asked to provide the following information to an on-line form (submission form link below):

  • The title of your submission
  • A short abstract describing your submission
  • The preferred format of your presentation: Oral or Poster
  • Topical category (select from a pull-down menu)
  • Name, Address, Affiliation, Email, and Phone/Fax number for the corresponding author and co-authors
  • To be considered in student paper competition or not (see also Student Paper Competition rules)

During the submission process, you will be asked on:

  • Statement of Clearance Approval
  • Statement of Copyright Assignment
  • Statement of Exclusivity
  • Statement of Compliance
  • Statement of Obligation
  • Statement of Registration Requirement
  • Statement of Presentation Requirement

STATEMENT OF CLEARANCE APPROVAL: (1) the information contained in any materials submitted to the IEEE in connection with the Work is not restricted by U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or any other applicable U.S. export control laws; (2) any and all necessary authorization(s) from the undersigned’s employer(s) for the disclosure of the information discussed in the Work have been obtained and will be retained by the authors; and (3) the foregoing applies to all future versions of the Work, whether edited by the undersigned, an assistant, co-author or any person working with the undersigned. (4) For jointly authored Works, I agree to act as the authorized agent for the other authors.

STATEMENT OF COPYRIGHT ASSIGNMENT:If this submission is accepted for presentation at RWW2025, I/we, the authors, understand that the copyright for this material must be assigned to the IEEE prior to publication.

STATEMENT OF EXCLUSIVITY: Neither this material nor essentially similar material has been submitted to any other publication or meeting, and will not be until disposition is received from RWW2025.

STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE: If my/our submission does not comply with the letter and spirit of the guidelines found in the Call for Papers and the Summary Submission Author’s Guide, then our submission may be arbitrarily truncated or rejected without review.

STATEMENT OF OBLIGATION: If this submission is accepted for presentation at RWW2025, a .pdf version of this paper suitable for uploading onto IEEE Xplore. I/we understand that if we do not meet this deadline our presentation may be deleted from RWW2025.

STATEMENT OF REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT: If this Summary is accepted for presentation at RWW2025, I/we, the author(s), understand that at least one of the authors has to complete a full registration for RWW2025.

STATEMENT OF PRESENTATION REQUIREMENT: If our paper is accepted for presentation, I and my co-authors further understand that if no one is available to present at the conference, the conference organizers reserve the right to exclude the manuscript from the final conference record and from inclusion in the conference proceedings submitted to the IEEE Xplore® digital library.

You may wish to check these items before proceeding.

By the submission deadline (please do not ask for an extension!):

If you have any questions, please contact the chair well in advance of the deadline.

Technical Program Chair:

Roberto Gomez-Garcia
University of Alcala
< email >