IEEE Radio & Wireless Week

19 - 22 January 2025
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Journal-Conference Synergy Program

The IEEE Radio and Wireless Week (RWW) and the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (T-MTT)/IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters (MWTL)/IEEE Journal of Microwaves (JMW) editorial offices are pleased to announce the Journal Conference Synergy Program. T-MTT/MWTL/JMW authors of papers published from the Nov. 2022 issue to the Oct. 2023 issue (including both) are cordially invited to present their published journal/letter papers at the IEEE RWW 2024 to be held in San Antonio, Texas, during 21– 24 January 2024.

This opportunity is offered exclusively under the “Journal-Conference Synergy” initiative. Presenting a journal paper in a conference has many benefits, such as the opportunity to directly interact with colleagues about recent works and enjoying the professional networking at RWW 2024. Some studies have also indicated that presenting journal papers at conferences could enhance the visibility and usage of the journal papers.

If you are a co-author of a T-MTT/MWTL/JMW paper published from the Nov. 2022 issue to the Oct. 2023 issue (including both) and are interested in this opportunity, please fill out this form by 5-December-2023:

Upon confirmation by the Technical Program Committee Chair of the IEEE RWW 2024, you will be notified of a presentation slot secured for you and the conference registration arrangements, which we will then ask you to review and accept. As a compliment, you will receive one-day free registration to RWW 2024 for the day of your presentation.

Your talk will be listed in the Program Book of the IEEE RWW 2024 conference. Please note that your presentation at the conference will not be regarded as a new publication. Neither your journal paper nor your presented work would be listed in the Proceedings of the IEEE RWW 2024 on IEEE Xplore.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. Looking forward to your participation as either a speaker or an attendee of the sessions sponsored by the Journal-Conference Synergy Program!

Almudena Suárez, Roberto Gómez-García, and Peter Siegel
Editors-in-Chief of T-MTT, MWTL, and JMW

Changzhi Li and Václav Valenta
General Chair and Technical Program Committee Chair of IEEE RWW 2024